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The Bible Knowledge Commentary is a verse by verse, phrase by phrase walk through the entire Bible. This commentary explains problem passages, alleged discrepancies, customs, geographical locations, key Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words. It includes for each book an introduction (discussion of author, historical background, purpose, features), outline, commentary, and bibliography. It contains over...

in such a way that an obedient response was anticipated. The “royal law” was given in Leviticus 19:18 and affirmed by Christ (Matt. 22:39): Love your neighbor as yourself. The law is royal or regal (basilikon, from basileus, “king”) because it is decreed by the King of kings, is fit for a king, and is considered the king of laws. The phrase reflects the Latin lex regia known throughout the Roman Empire. Obedience to this law, nonpreferential love, is the answer to the evident disobedience to God’s
Volume 2, Page 825